Pembroke Press - July 2023
July 2023 Edition 16 ¡Pasándolo bomba en Barcelona In early July, a group of 58 students and 8 staff travelled to Bar- celona, Spain, to sample the delights that the city has to offer. We had a jam - packed week experiencing the cultural elements of the city and sampling the Spanish cuisine along with a fun - filled visit to Portaventura. We travelled by coach and ferry, a journey which took over 24 hours. After leaving Pembroke at 7am on Monday morning, we arrived at our sunny destination at lunch time on Tuesday. After checking in at the hostel, Tuesday afternoon was a time to stretch our legs and visit the gothic area of La Boqueria market and La Rambla. The students experienced the hustle and bustle of the most famous street in Barcelona. It was awash with vi- brant colours of fresh produce and live music and performances. Afterwards, we made our way to Hard Rock Café for tea.
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