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Below is a weekly snapshot of what we do at Pembroke. To see our daily journey, please look at our very active Facebook page.

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  • MacMillan Well-being Morning

    Published 28/09/18

    On Friday 28th September we held a #well-being walk alongside a whole school MacMillan Coffee morning. Each form group walked with their tutors along a 3.2 mile country walk and returned to school to enjoy tea, coffee and a huge array of cake. Many students and staff were busy baking this week to...

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  • Open Evening is Heaving!

    Published 23/09/18

    For the second year running, our Open Evening was brimming with excited year 5 and 6 children from a huge range of primary schools. Together with their parents they filled our school hall twice over, whilst listening to what Pembroke had to offer their children during Mr Evans' speech. Two year...

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  • #Passionate for Primary Projects

    Published 14/09/18

    Our Primary liaison work continues with gusto this week, with visits from year 6 students from both Reepham and Cherry Primary schools. Reepham are learning about the gruesome Greeks, so began to create Medusa Masks using paper mache on Wednesday afternoons. Next week they will start thinking about...

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  • Geography Field Trip

    Published 14/09/18

    Year 11 students partook in geography fieldwork in the rural setting of Woodhall Spa. Primary data collection included, land use surveys, building age identification, traffic and pedestrian counts to name a few. Students also actively engaged with residents and visitors of Woodhall Spa to find out t...

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  • Welcome to Pembroke

    Published 07/09/18

    We formally welcomed our new year 7 students to Pembroke on Wednesday 5th September. After a whole school 'welcome back' from Mr Evans in assembly, the year 7 students were asked to pledge to 'achieve their best whilst at Pembroke' before Mr Evans and our Knight sculpture William Mar...

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  • Reaping the Rewards!

    Published 19/07/18

    As we celebrate our first year as a new Academy, our students have had the opportunity to go on reward trips this week. Year 9 went to do water sports on Tuesday for having 100% attendance. Year 10 went to Wild Pines Park and Riseholme College this week to explore outward bounds activities and caree...

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  • Sports Day Fun

    Published 12/07/18

    On 12th July we hosted our first Pembroke Sports Day. SLT led team passion, courage and generosity through both fun and traditional athletic events. Two boys and two girls from each year took part in every event to gain as many points for their team. It was great to see the majority of students get...

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  • Community Fair Success!

    Published 08/07/18

    On Saturday 7th July - our school hosted the Summer Community Fair and wow what an event! Although it clashed with the England and Sweden game, the turn out was incredible. We had local companies selling their wares, students running stalls and games for the children to spend their pocket money on...

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  • Science #wisdom!

    Published 06/07/18

    For the past two Friday's, some of our Science Ambassadors have been out and about taking on a range of scientific challenges. Last week, 12 students from year 8 & 9 took on the robot wars challenge at a STEM day at Bishop Grotteste University and were a winning team! This week a team of...

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  • National Writing Day

    Published 29/06/18

    On Wednesday 27th June, Pembroke and our family Priory schools took part in 'The Big Write' alongside other schools in the country. It was a national event to celebrate the importance of writing. Mr Warnock our mathematical Assistant Headteacher, led an inspiring whole school assembly on ...

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  • Sports Leader Passion

    Published 21/06/18

    The Junior Sports Leader Award provides an opportunity for students to develop their communication, coaching, umpiring and leadership skills, leading to a nationally recognised qualification. Students gain experience in leading others and have the chance to work with younger pupils, assisting in...

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  • Farewell year 11

    Published 15/06/18

    This week saw the last GCSE exam completed by our year 11 students as we said 'goodbye and good luck' to our wonderful students. They have worked so very hard and we are immensely proud of each and every one of them. It's been an emotional and stressful four weeks of exams, but with the...

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