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Below is a weekly snapshot of what we do at Pembroke. To see our daily journey, please look at our very active Facebook page.

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  • Year 9 Home Learning

    Published 18/03/20

    Please find all your work and sharepoint links in the attached pdf document.

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  • Public Health England - 16th March

    Published 16/03/20

    Further to the Trust’s most recent coronavirus (COVID-19) update, please see below the latest DfE guidance: DfE general guidance for schools:

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  • Public Health England - 12th March

    Published 12/03/20

    Public Health England - Priory Update Summer exams 2020 We are aware that you may have questions about the possible impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on the summer exam series. As a Trust, our academies have been told to continue to prepare for exams and other assessments as normal. Ofqual, t...

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  • Public Health England - 6th March

    Published 06/03/20

    It is now 14 days since academy students who took part in the Priory Federation’s ski trip at half-term left their resort in Italy on the Friday at the end of the week. As such, and having followed government guidance throughout, we are looking forward to as normal a school service as possible...

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  • Public Health England - 3rd March

    Published 03/03/20

    The Trust has taken full note of the government’s action plan, published today and designed to help combat the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the UK. At this stage, there are no new measures necessary in addition to those which are already in place, under the guidance of Public Health Eng...

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  • Public Health England - 2nd March

    Published 02/03/20

    The Department for Education (DfE) today launched a new coronavirus (COVID-19) advice service for the education sector, including parents and carers. The relevant details are detailed below: Department for Education Coronavirus helpline We have launched a new helpline to answer questions about...

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  • Public Health England - 28th February

    Published 02/03/20

    We have received no new directives over the last 24 hours from central or local government. We continue to follow all the current guidance being provided by Public Health England, the NHS, the Foreign Office and the Local Authority’s Public Health team. We would again refer you to the pa...

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  • Public Health England - 27th February

    Published 27/02/20

    To ensure parents and carers can access the latest PHE guidance and the most up-to-date advice being issued by the NHS in relation to coronavirus (COVID-19), the academy website now has a specific page directing you to helpful and reliable information sources. This can be found at: www.priorypemb...

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  • Public Health England - 26th February

    Published 27/02/20

    Reference: Public Health England – Priory update 2

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  • Public Health England - 25th February

    Published 25/02/20

    As you may be aware from today’s news reports, the British government has updated its advice to travellers who have returned from northern Italy since 19th February. This follows the identified outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Lombardy and Veneto.   Students from this academy w...

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  • Harry Potter Night Magic

    Published 14/02/20

    We held our annual Harry Potter night on Thursday 13th February this year so we didn't clash with Waterstones events in town. We had over 70 primary school students in year 5&6 attend and they had a truly muggle-tastic time. With a House quiz to kick things off in the great hall, followed by...

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  • County Running Success

    Published 20/01/20

    On Saturday morning Oliver Cooney and Matthew Kent represented Pembroke & the Lincoln and Gainsborough secondary schools in the Lincolnshire County Cross Country round at Burghley House, Stamford. Both boys qualified for the event after strong individual performances at the district round in...

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