The Life Curriculum is designed to develop students’ knowledge, skills and understanding of themselves, others and the wider world in order to keep safe and healthy throughout life and therefore become successful citizens of the world. The curriculum have a positive impact on both academic and non-academic outcomes for the students, especially for those most vulnerable.
The curriculum will develop attributes such as resilience, critical thinking, teamwork, self-esteem and risk-management as well as the British Values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect for and tolerance and acceptance of those with different or no faiths and beliefs.
Content in the curriculum is drawn from the PSHE Association suggested programme of study with the three core themes of health and wellbeing, relationships and living in the wider world, the Lincolnshire Agreed Syllabus for RE (2018-23) and knowledge and understanding of British Values. The Curriculum overview links each topic to the PSHE Association, RE or British Values accordingly.
Topics covered directly support the personal development of the students allowing them to make informed decisions throughout their childhood, as they become young adults and beyond. They will develop local, national and global knowledge of the world and have the confidence to tackle moral, social and cultural issues that arise in their life.
Students can develop their Life work further by opting to complete the GCSE Citizenship qualification in Years 10 and 11.
The Life curriculum is part of the Personal Development curriculum, which also includes the Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC) Tutor time programme.