Academy Council - currently being updated
Purpose of the Student Council
The purpose of the Student Council is to encourage students to get involved in the issues that concern them in and around the academy. As a council we will focus on listening to the views of students, and take responsibility to help lead the direction of the academy.
Having a Pembroke Student Council helps us to improve aspects of our academy community by exercising our rights and accepting our responsibilities. Our discussions and decisions will help to inform improvements to our academy environment and our learning.
The Student Council draws representatives from each of the tutor groups in years 7 to 11, and these are supported by the Senior Student Leadership Team. As we seek to enrich the learning and academy experience of all who attend Priory Pembroke Academy we also hope to engage directly with the wider Priory Pembroke Academy student community, including those in our local primary schools.
The Student Council will meet on a regular basis.